Online plotting system for SOHO/EPHIN  and AXAF/EPHIN level 2 intensities.


Please, choose the time interval and the plot options and press the button "Generate plot". (max 150 days)




Starting date (year/day of year/hour)

(mm-dd format is also supported. Leading zeroes can be omitted)


Ending date (year/day of year/hour)


Time averaging (minutes)



Plot size (pixels)


Use auto y-range


If auto y-range is unchecked, the following intensity intervals will be used:














Integral channel

 (cm2·s·sr )-1


Use the following checkboxes to draw vertical lines in the plot marking flares, CMEs, etc.
(some of them are not available for the most recent data):


LASCO CMEs observation times
(from LASCO CME catalog)


X-ray flares max times (NGDC)


Radio bursts start times (NGDC)


IP shocks (Celias PM list)


ICMEs (Richardson and  Cane 2003)


Magnetic clouds (WIND MFI list)


 (press here to re-initialize all fields)



Please contact us if you have comments,  problems, etc.

Last update: April 20, 2009.

IDL and web programming by Raúl Gómez-Herrero.

These data are for browsing purposes. Please contact the instrument team before use them for scientific studies