The SEPT instrument on STEREO

The Solar Electron and Proton
Telescope (SEPT) consist of 16 particle telescopes which collect
energetic ions and electrons. SEPT is one of the four
instruments of
the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) suite for the IMPACT investigation.
SEPT consists of two dual double-ended magnet/foil particle telescopes
which measure electrons in the energy range from 30–400 keV and ions
from 60–6500 keV. Anisotropy information is provided by the
separate telescopes: SEPT-E looking in the ecliptic plane along the
Parker spiral magnetic field both towards and away from the Sun, and
SEPT-NS looking vertical to the ecliptic plane towards North and South.
The dual set-up refers to two adjacent sensor apertures for each of the
four view directions: one for ions, one for electrons. The double-ended
set-up refers to the detector stack with view cones in two opposite
directions: one side (electron side) is covered by a thin foil, the
other side (ion side) is surrounded by a magnet. The thin foil leaves
the electron spectrum essentially unchanged but stops low energy
Updated June 2010